Monday, October 30, 2017

UPSC 2017 MAINS GS 2 Paper - Analysis

  1. “The local self government system in India has not proved to be effective instrument of governance”. Critically examine the statement and give your views to improve the situation.  (150 words)
  2. Critically examine the Supreme Court’s judgement on ‘National Judicial Appointments Commission Act, 2014’ with reference to appointment of judges of higher judiciary in India.  (150 words)
  3. ‘Simultaneous election to the Lok Sabha and the State Assemblies will limit the amount of time and money spent in electioneering but it will reduce the government’s accountability to the people’ Discuss.  (150 words)
  4. How do pressure groups influence Indian political process? Do you agree with this view that informal pressure groups have emerged as powerful than formal pressure groups in recent years?  (150 words)
  5. Discuss the role of Public Accounts Committee in establishing accountability of the government to the people.  (150 words)
  6. ‘To ensure effective implementation of policies addressing water, sanitation and hygiene needs, the identification of beneficiary segments is to be synchronized with the anticipated outcomes’ Examine the statement in the context of the WASH scheme.  (150 words)
  7. Does the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 ensure effective mechanism for empowerment and inclusion of the intended beneficiaries in the society? Discuss  (150 words)
  8. Hunger and Poverty are the biggest challenges for good governance in India still today. Evaluate how far successive governments have progressed in dealing with these humongous problems. Suggest measures for improvement.  (150 words)
  9. ‘China is using its economic relations and positive trade surplus as tools to develop potential military power status in Asia’, In the light of this statement, discuss its impact on India as her neighbor.  (150 words)
  10. What are the main functions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)? Explain different functional commissions attached to it.  (150 words)
  11. Explain the salient features of the constitution(One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016. Do you think it is efficacious enough ‘to remove cascading effect of taxes and provide for common national market for goods and services’? (250 words)
  12. Examine the scope of Fundamental Rights in the light of the latest judgement of the Supreme Court on Right to Privacy. (250 words)
  13. The Indian Constitution has provisions for holding joint session of the two houses of the Parliament. Enumerate the occasions when this would normally happen and also the occasions when it cannot, with reasons thereof. (250 words)
  14. To enhance the quality of democracy in India the Election Commission of India has proposed electoral reforms in 2016. What are the suggested reforms and how far are they significant to make democracy successful? (250 words)
  15. Is the National Commission for Women able to strategize and tackle the problems that women face at both public and private spheres? Give reasons in support of your answer. (250 words)
  16. ‘The emergence of Self Help Groups(SHGs) in contemporary times points to the slow but steady withdrawal of the state from developmental activities’. Examine the role of the SHGs in developmental activities and the measures taken by the Government of India to promote the SHGs. (250 words)
  17. ‘Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India remain mere show pieces until and unless they are backed by political will’. Discuss with reference to the performance of the major poverty alleviation programmes in India. (250 words)
  18. Initially Civil Services in India were designed to achieve the goals of neutrality and effectiveness, which seems to be lacking in the present context. Do you agree with the view that drastic reforms are required in Civil Services. Comment (250 words)
  19. The question of India’s Energy Security constitutes the most important part of India’s economic progress. Analyze India’s energy policy cooperation with West Asian Countries. (250 words)
  20. Indian Diaspora has an important role to play in South-East Asian countries’ economy and society. Appraise the role of Indian Diaspora in South- East Asia in this context (250 words------------------------------------

patttern is same as in GS 1

10 qs of 10 marks = 150 words

10 qs of 15 marks = 250 words

Prima facie , Qs are standard


Q1 - local self govt - standard - asked in our POL SC ATS Series & past GS ATS
Q2 - NJAC - Judicial appts - lingering topic - standard see 8.      A Parliamentary Standing Committee report accusing the Supreme Court of distorting the original constitutional mandate and showing an “unnecessary zeal” for primacy in judicial appointments was tabled in late 2016 in the parliament. Deliberate

Q51 The embarrassment caused by Justice C.S. Karnan, who is serving six months’ imprisonment for scandalising the Indian judiciary while serving as a High Court judge, has triggered a strong pitch within the Supreme Court to reconsider the efficacy of the age-old and recently revived collegium system of judicial appointments. Critically examine.

Q3 - thought provoking qs - not straight forward

2 reasons cud be:

a. if simult elections take place then the national issues & local issues wud obfuscate each other &

b. the bottom-up govt formation approach wud be hindered

Q4 pressure grps - std - asked in past ATS & PSIR ATSQ5 PAC - stdQ6 WASH scheme - new , not stdQ7 - disabilities - see Q2 “India signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and subsequently ratified the same on 1st October, 2007. Being a signatory to the Convention, India has an international obligation to comply with the provisions of the Convention”. In this light, discuss India’s efforts as reflected in the Rights of Persons With Disabilities (RPWD) Bill
Hunger and Poverty - generic, but too lengthy for 150 words !!! successive govt !!!!!

 “The agenda for political, economic and social democracy remains unfinished because of continued disparity between the lives of the privileged and the rest”. Critically discuss in the Indian context.

Q16. “Since about 1980, backed by policy reforms, India’s growth performance has been robust. Yet, there are serious challenges that might impede further rapid progress emanating in part from the fact that India started out as a poor democracy with deep social fissures.” What is your opinion? How does India compare with China in the context of economic development?

Q9 India-ChinaOur 3 Qs
22. Is USA correct in its stance to suggest both India and China to resolve their contentious border issues through dialogues? Discuss.
23. Should India refrain from political and diplomatic interference in the South China Sea? Substantiate.

57.   The way India has handled Doklam issue speaks volumes of our diplomacy and Foreign Service. Do you agree?

Q10 not unusual - but pedagogic - graduation types qs

Q11 101st Const Amdt Act - GST

very much expected & asked in our Essay & GS 3 ATS

Our qs 19. How the Goods and Services Tax [GST] & Demonetisation revolutionized Indian economic scenario?

Q12 right to privacy - expected - discussed in our CA materials

q13 JOINT SESSSION - text book qs

Q14 reforms by EC

Q15 NCW - std

Q16 SHG - std & text book - past ATS Qs

20.    Banks should give more loans to Self Help Groups (SHGs). Isn’t this a biased approach?

Q17 - poverty alleviation schemes - std

Q18 - reforms in Civil services - std - past ATS

Q19 - Energy Security

hurrah !!!!!!

bull's eye

Q20. “India is one of the fast growing economies of the world. Associated with the rapid increase in incomes is rapid increase in the demand for energy.” Tell the tale for the quest of India’s energy security.

Q20 Diaspora in S_E Asia - bit unusual yet doable


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