Thursday, November 9, 2017

Book List : History GS & Optional

Ancient India

Operational Level GS [OLGS]: From GS Manual

Preliminary Level Optional [PLO]: D N Jha

Operational Level Optional [OLO] : IGNOU Booklets

Higher Level for Optional [HLO] : Upinder Singh, A L Basham

Medieval India
OLGS : From Manual

PLO : Satish Chandra NCERT

OLO : IGNOU Booklets & Irfan Habib - NBT publication

HLO : Abraham Eraly, SAA Rizvi, Salma Farooqui [A Comprehensive History of Medieval India from Twelfth to the Mid Eighteenth Century], J L Mehta

Modern India

OLGS : Rajiv Ahir

PLO : Rajiv Ahir

OLO : IGNOU Booklets & Bipan for post-independence

HLO : Sumit Sarkar, Sekhar Bandopadhyay, Bipan Chandra, Ishita-Banerjee Dube

World History 

OLGS : Uddipan Mukherjee


OLO : Uddipan Mukherjee, Norman Lowe [for reference, in addition]

HLO : History Today website, Eric Hobsbawm, Thompson.


HLO : is ONLY for reference & not compulsory at all. These books may be referred to on select basis only, for specific issues; e.g. Sumit Sarkar for Peasant & tribal rebellions, so on & so forth.

Monday, November 6, 2017

UPSC 2017 HIST paper I - Quick Comparison with ATS

UPSC HISTORY Optional 03 NOV 2017

Paper I

ATS : Advance Test Series 2017 


UPSC 2b - corporate activities

ATS 2017 2A. “Artisans and craftsmen were very often organized into guilds. Later Buddhist literature refers to the existence of eighteen guilds in Rajagriha.” Discuss

UPSC 3b - ashoka's dhamma

ATS 2017 2B. From major rock edicts, point out the main features of Ashoka’s dhamma.

UPSC 4a - temple architecture & regional variations

ATS 2016 “The Odishan temple architecture presents a complete picture vis-a-vis the central Indian variety.” Do you agree? 

UPSC 4b - Buddhism & Jainism as social movs 
ATS 2016 “The most notable aspect of political philosophy in the age of the Buddha was the completely pragmatic approach to power.” Justify 

Bull's Eye

UPSC 4c Sangam lierature & Society of Peninsular India [15 marks]

ATS 2017 .      The Sangam literature deals with secular matter relating to public and social activity like government, war charity, trade, worship, agriculture, among other things. Discuss.             15 marks     



Bull's Eye

UPSC 5 e - Religion of Sikhs
ATS 2017 The sixteenth century saw the rise of Sikhism, now one of the recognized religions of the world. Examine

UPSC 6b - Bhakti & Sufi
ATS 2017 Within Sufism, the increasing authority assigned to the Shaikh or pir over his disciples or devotees led to the formation of various ‘silsilahs’ (chains) or orders among sufis. In this context, describe the various silsilahs of Sufism. Do you think that the Chisti order was the most liberal? Why?

Q6c - Economy in 13-14th c
ATS 2017 The Sultanate period was literally a dark age of Indian history. Do you agree?      

UPSC 8b - peasantry 13-17th c

ATS 2017 The common people”, Pelsaert (c. 1626) observed, lived in “poverty so great and miserable that the life of the people can be depicted or accurately described only as the home of stark want and the dwelling place of bitter woe”. Discuss.


“Historians have neglected the devastating famines during the Mughal regime”. Comment    

UPSC 8c Maratha policy of exapansion
ATS 2017 Rise of the Marathas under Shivaji

How did the Marathas rise as a regional power? What was the impact on Indian polity due to their rise?


UPSC 8a Mughal Paintings : ATS 2016
8C. “Miniature painting entered a richly productive phase in the Mughal period.” Comment

Friday, November 3, 2017

UPSC Mains 2017 - HISTORY paper 2 - Quick Analysis, Comparison & Source

Overall, standard paper. Expected, marks ought to go up. Only 5a was a yorker. 

ATS = Advance Test Series

PART A: Modern India 

1 a - maratha polity - standard

1e  “Artillery remained the weak link in the Maratha army.....Besides, it lagged far behind in sophistication”

1b - std - Rammohun

ATS 2016

What are the contributions of Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar and Rammohan Roy towards social reforms?

1c - std

1d - conditions imported into India - condirtions of Western Imperialism , affecting Indian socity - attackigmn it - and hence Arya Samaj acting as a reaction 
std qs
1e - narayan guru - std

but the world 'subaltern' requiers appl of mind 
he was son of Ezhava peasant - fought for societal upliftment of Ezhavas - hence gave voice to the subalterns

2a - famine policy of the british - was asked in ATS 2015  - std

a.       “Famine commissions were a hogwash, and famines the reality in British India.”

2b role of press - std - ATS 2016
 std qs
5. “The press in India was largely an English institution.” Do you agree? 
2 c - annexation of Punjab - std

3a - Ghadar Mov - std
ATS 2017
8. How could the Ghadar movement have been turned into a success? Should Lala Hardayal be held responsible for its apparent failure?

3b 1942-6 - constitutional impasse - solutions failed?
ATS 2017
4C. The Cabinet Mission proposed a two-tiered federal plan, which was expected to maintain national unity while conceding the largest measure of regional autonomy. Do you think this was the best possible solution at that juncture? Did it work? 
  1c  “Against the background of Cripps Mission and the compulsive inclusion of India in the war the political scenario in India had worsened. As such if Congress was to keep its promises for an independent India , the time has come when Congress was to give a final blow to British paramount in India”

3c peasant movs 1920-40
ATS 2017
10. Demonstrate the difference between peasant-based anti-colonial movements of pre and post-1920. Provide special reference to Tebhaga and Telangana movements.

4a - Satyagrahas of Gandhi - very much std

ATS 2017
7. “Gandhian Satyagraha was merely a utopian exercise. In a span of over three decades, Gandhian political methods emasculated a large section of the populace.” Critically opine.

4b - Sc&Tech post-indpt India - non-std qs
ATS 2016
9. “The last decades of the nineteenth and early decades of the twentieth century witnessed a national awakening in all spheres of creativity. Fired by nationalism, disregarding comforts, and undeterred by severe handicaps, these men did world-class science by indomitable will.” Citing instances of individual scientists, illustrate the contribution of Indian scientists in pre-independent India.

4c - princely states - std qs

ATS 2017

2. Would you agree that post-independence, India dealt with the Princely States with a kid-glove strategy? Can you suggest any alternative model of integrating the recalcitrant Princely states? 


q 5a - was the only difficult qs, yorker

ATS 2017:

   “The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement. Enlightenment thinkers tried to apply reason and the scientific method to laws that shaped human actions.”

5 b - reforms of napoleon

'methods of Bonaparte the general = belief in meritocracy + giving equal opportunity to all + leadership + precision in taking decisions'

5 c - chartist mov in britain - std

ATS 2015
“Rain, poor management, and unwillingness on the part of many to do battle with the well-armed constabulary put an end to the Chartists’ campaign.”  

5 d - german unification climax & loss in WWI combined

5 e - repeat qs - 2011 

hints in pg 11.7 of World History Book [WHB] as under:

6a Ind Rev in England first why?? SOcial Consequences of I Rev 

pg 3.2 , 3.5, 3.10 of WHB as under:

6b - WWI as TOTAL War 

fully solved in 7.13 of WHB as under

6c - tricky qs - requires application of mind

peterloo massacre - pg 2.18 & 2.19 & coupled with Socialsim before marx

7a -german unification

7b - Focus on Stalinism & Cold War, describe bolshevism

pg 6.14 of WHB of

7c - Simon BOlivar - for the 1st time in UPSC this Qs asked - we have stressed umpteen no of times that any day this qs can come - finally, we feel vindicated

see pp 9.1 to 9.3 of WHB of

failure of bolivar to provide united stand = civil wars, different nationalisties, Chile having a diffrent leader, heavy spanish repression, brazil was under portuguese - had a different liberation path, 

nonehtl;ess Bolivar cannot be termed to have failed as such

8a - fascism in Italy

8b - repeat 2007, 2013

fully solved 

pg 12.10 of WHB of

8c - Dutch imperialism in Indonesia

read pg 5.4 of WHB of

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

UPSC 2017 MAINS GS 3 Paper - Quick Analysis & Comparison

Pattern remains same as in GS 1 & 2. 10 qs of 10 marks & 10 qs of 15 marks. Overall, a decent paper with many traditional  qs. Focus on Industry & manufacturing sector of Indian Economy.

The qs in order are :

  1. Among several factors for India’s potential growth, savings rate is the most effective one. Do you agree? What are the other factors available for growth potential? (Answer in 150 words)
  2. Account for the failure of manufacturing sector in achieving the goal of labour-intensive exports rather than capital-intensive exports. Suggest measures for more labour-intensive rather than capital-intensive exports.
  3. Examine the developments of Airports in India through Joint Ventures under Public-Private Partnership(PPP) model. What are the challenges faced by the authorities in this regard.
  4. Explain various types of revolutions, took place in Agriculture after Independence in India. How these revolutions have helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India?
  5. What are the reasons for poor acceptance of cost effective small processing unit? How the food processing unit will be helpful to uplift the socio-economic status of poor farmers?
  6. Stem cell therapy is gaining popularity in India to treat a wide variety of medical conditions including leukaemia, Thallessemia, damaged sornea and several burns. Describe briefly what stem cell therapy is and what advantages it has over other treatments?
  7. India has achieved remarkable successes in unmanned space missions including the Chandrayaan and Mars Orbitter Mission, but has not ventured into manned space mission, both in terms of technology and logistics? Explain critically
  8. Not many years ago, river linking was a concept but it is becoming reality in the country. Discuss the advantages of river linking and its possible impact on the environment.
  9. Discuss the potential threats of Cyber attack and the security framework to prevent it.
  10. The north-eastern region of India has been infested with insurgency for a very long time. Analyze the major reasons for the survival of armed insurgency in this region.
  11. One of the intended objectives of Union Budget 2017-18 is to ‘transform, energize and clean India’. Analyse the measures proposed in the Budget 2017-18 to achieve the objective.
  12. “Industrial growth rate has lagged behind in the overall growth of Gross-Domestic-Product(GDP) in the post-reform period” Give reasons. How far the recent changes is Industrial Policy are capable of increasing the industrial growth rate?
  13. What are the salient features of ‘inclusive growth’? Has India been experiencing such a growth process? Analyze and suggest measures for inclusive growth.
  14. What are the major reasons for declining rice and wheat yield in the cropping system? How crop diversification is helpful to stabilize the yield of the crop in the system? (Answer in 250 words)
  15. How do subsidies affect the cropping pattern, crop diversity and economy of farmers? What is the significance of crop insurance, minimum support price and food processing for small and marginal farmers?
  16. Give an account of the growth and development of nuclear science and technology in India. What is the advantage of fast breeder reactor programme in India?
  17. ‘Climate Change’ is a global problem. How India will be affected by climate change? How Himalayan and coastal states of India will be affected by climate change? 
  18. On December 2004, tsumani brought havoc on 14 countries including India. Discuss the factors responsible for occurrence of Tsunami and its effects on life and economy. In the light of guidelines of NDMA (2010) describe the mechanisms for preparedness to reduce the risk during such events.
  19. Mob violence is emerging as a serious law and order problem in India. By giving suitable examples, analyze the causes and consequences of such violence.
  20. The scourge of terrorism is a grave challenge to national security. What solutions do you suggest to curb this growing menace? What are the major sources of terrorist funding?

NOW, focus on these issues of the Qs paper:

  1. Stem Cell,
  2. Cyber Attacks,
  3. Armed Insurgency in North East: Our ATS Essay Qs
    "So beautiful, yet so troubled : India's North-Eastern States"
  4. Inclusive Growth,
  5. Climate Change & India,
  6. Terrorist funding,
  7. Exports [UPSC asked a rather specific Qs though]
  8. Food Processing Units
  9. Terrorism & India
  10. River linking - Qs from Previous ATS
  11. Mob Violence - Qs from 2016 ATS GS III 23 OCT Q18

And, now we compare with the Qs set in Trademark ATS 2017 :

5.       “The effects of globalization vary from country to country and from time to time. India’s economic liberalization has been calibrated and cautious especially insensitive sectors such as agriculture. The government constantly reviews its economic policies to ensure that the objective of inclusive growth is achieved. In multilateral forums, the effort is to achieve results which safeguard the interests of the poor.” Critically Discuss.

10.     “In November 2016, people in India woke up to the news about the largest data breach in the country. It involved data stolen from 3.2 million debit cards between 25 May and 10 July from a network of bank ATMs, managed by a Japanese payment services company. After demonetisation, the Government of India is pushing for digital transactions. As India goes digital, experts must recognise the huge threat to the internet from hackers.” Critically examine India’s preparedness in this regard

13.    Discuss the growth of food processing industry in North-East India

15.    A. “It is essential to break economic sources of Maoists”. Critically analyse

17.    Islamic State is on the rise in Phillipines. It has already established itself in West Asia. In these circumstances, assess the threat scenario for India.

19.    The state of Manipur, situated along the eastern frontier of the Indo-Myanmar border, has been the most disturbed state in the northeast region of India. Do you agree?

27.     According to an analysis of Himalayan glaciers and their possible future impact on livelihoods in States adjoining the region, potential hydro power projects in the Himalayan region would need to factor in chances of increased floods from the formation of new lakes and the expansion of existing ones due to melting glaciers. Elaborate.

30.   “For the first time, researchers have discovered hematopoietic stem cells in Drosophila (fruit flies), thus providing an invertebrate model to study hematopoietic stem cells.” Explain.

40.  Demonstrate, how climate change and sea level rise has contributed to the phenomenon of losing land, including mangrove forests in the Sundarbans?

Q2. What are nano-materials? How can they be used to combat climate change?

Q8. Has the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 been successful in controlling terror in India? Evaluate the role of finance in encouraging terror networks.

Q13. Is disinvestment and export-promotion the two tracks to modernize and develop India? Critically assess.

It's not poor if we can so-called 'predict' about 9-10 Qs from a set of 60 Qs.

Some claim to 'predict' 20 Qs from a set of 1000 Qs


Monday, October 30, 2017

UPSC 2017 MAINS GS 2 Paper - Analysis

  1. “The local self government system in India has not proved to be effective instrument of governance”. Critically examine the statement and give your views to improve the situation.  (150 words)
  2. Critically examine the Supreme Court’s judgement on ‘National Judicial Appointments Commission Act, 2014’ with reference to appointment of judges of higher judiciary in India.  (150 words)
  3. ‘Simultaneous election to the Lok Sabha and the State Assemblies will limit the amount of time and money spent in electioneering but it will reduce the government’s accountability to the people’ Discuss.  (150 words)
  4. How do pressure groups influence Indian political process? Do you agree with this view that informal pressure groups have emerged as powerful than formal pressure groups in recent years?  (150 words)
  5. Discuss the role of Public Accounts Committee in establishing accountability of the government to the people.  (150 words)
  6. ‘To ensure effective implementation of policies addressing water, sanitation and hygiene needs, the identification of beneficiary segments is to be synchronized with the anticipated outcomes’ Examine the statement in the context of the WASH scheme.  (150 words)
  7. Does the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 ensure effective mechanism for empowerment and inclusion of the intended beneficiaries in the society? Discuss  (150 words)
  8. Hunger and Poverty are the biggest challenges for good governance in India still today. Evaluate how far successive governments have progressed in dealing with these humongous problems. Suggest measures for improvement.  (150 words)
  9. ‘China is using its economic relations and positive trade surplus as tools to develop potential military power status in Asia’, In the light of this statement, discuss its impact on India as her neighbor.  (150 words)
  10. What are the main functions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)? Explain different functional commissions attached to it.  (150 words)
  11. Explain the salient features of the constitution(One Hundred and First Amendment) Act, 2016. Do you think it is efficacious enough ‘to remove cascading effect of taxes and provide for common national market for goods and services’? (250 words)
  12. Examine the scope of Fundamental Rights in the light of the latest judgement of the Supreme Court on Right to Privacy. (250 words)
  13. The Indian Constitution has provisions for holding joint session of the two houses of the Parliament. Enumerate the occasions when this would normally happen and also the occasions when it cannot, with reasons thereof. (250 words)
  14. To enhance the quality of democracy in India the Election Commission of India has proposed electoral reforms in 2016. What are the suggested reforms and how far are they significant to make democracy successful? (250 words)
  15. Is the National Commission for Women able to strategize and tackle the problems that women face at both public and private spheres? Give reasons in support of your answer. (250 words)
  16. ‘The emergence of Self Help Groups(SHGs) in contemporary times points to the slow but steady withdrawal of the state from developmental activities’. Examine the role of the SHGs in developmental activities and the measures taken by the Government of India to promote the SHGs. (250 words)
  17. ‘Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India remain mere show pieces until and unless they are backed by political will’. Discuss with reference to the performance of the major poverty alleviation programmes in India. (250 words)
  18. Initially Civil Services in India were designed to achieve the goals of neutrality and effectiveness, which seems to be lacking in the present context. Do you agree with the view that drastic reforms are required in Civil Services. Comment (250 words)
  19. The question of India’s Energy Security constitutes the most important part of India’s economic progress. Analyze India’s energy policy cooperation with West Asian Countries. (250 words)
  20. Indian Diaspora has an important role to play in South-East Asian countries’ economy and society. Appraise the role of Indian Diaspora in South- East Asia in this context (250 words------------------------------------

patttern is same as in GS 1

10 qs of 10 marks = 150 words

10 qs of 15 marks = 250 words

Prima facie , Qs are standard


Q1 - local self govt - standard - asked in our POL SC ATS Series & past GS ATS
Q2 - NJAC - Judicial appts - lingering topic - standard see 8.      A Parliamentary Standing Committee report accusing the Supreme Court of distorting the original constitutional mandate and showing an “unnecessary zeal” for primacy in judicial appointments was tabled in late 2016 in the parliament. Deliberate

Q51 The embarrassment caused by Justice C.S. Karnan, who is serving six months’ imprisonment for scandalising the Indian judiciary while serving as a High Court judge, has triggered a strong pitch within the Supreme Court to reconsider the efficacy of the age-old and recently revived collegium system of judicial appointments. Critically examine.

Q3 - thought provoking qs - not straight forward

2 reasons cud be:

a. if simult elections take place then the national issues & local issues wud obfuscate each other &

b. the bottom-up govt formation approach wud be hindered

Q4 pressure grps - std - asked in past ATS & PSIR ATSQ5 PAC - stdQ6 WASH scheme - new , not stdQ7 - disabilities - see Q2 “India signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and subsequently ratified the same on 1st October, 2007. Being a signatory to the Convention, India has an international obligation to comply with the provisions of the Convention”. In this light, discuss India’s efforts as reflected in the Rights of Persons With Disabilities (RPWD) Bill
Hunger and Poverty - generic, but too lengthy for 150 words !!! successive govt !!!!!

 “The agenda for political, economic and social democracy remains unfinished because of continued disparity between the lives of the privileged and the rest”. Critically discuss in the Indian context.

Q16. “Since about 1980, backed by policy reforms, India’s growth performance has been robust. Yet, there are serious challenges that might impede further rapid progress emanating in part from the fact that India started out as a poor democracy with deep social fissures.” What is your opinion? How does India compare with China in the context of economic development?

Q9 India-ChinaOur 3 Qs
22. Is USA correct in its stance to suggest both India and China to resolve their contentious border issues through dialogues? Discuss.
23. Should India refrain from political and diplomatic interference in the South China Sea? Substantiate.

57.   The way India has handled Doklam issue speaks volumes of our diplomacy and Foreign Service. Do you agree?

Q10 not unusual - but pedagogic - graduation types qs

Q11 101st Const Amdt Act - GST

very much expected & asked in our Essay & GS 3 ATS

Our qs 19. How the Goods and Services Tax [GST] & Demonetisation revolutionized Indian economic scenario?

Q12 right to privacy - expected - discussed in our CA materials

q13 JOINT SESSSION - text book qs

Q14 reforms by EC

Q15 NCW - std

Q16 SHG - std & text book - past ATS Qs

20.    Banks should give more loans to Self Help Groups (SHGs). Isn’t this a biased approach?

Q17 - poverty alleviation schemes - std

Q18 - reforms in Civil services - std - past ATS

Q19 - Energy Security

hurrah !!!!!!

bull's eye

Q20. “India is one of the fast growing economies of the world. Associated with the rapid increase in incomes is rapid increase in the demand for energy.” Tell the tale for the quest of India’s energy security.

Q20 Diaspora in S_E Asia - bit unusual yet doable