Thursday, April 20, 2017

WBCS Prelims Results

We are glad to state that the following aspirants have cleared West Bengal Civil Services 2017 Prelims

Name                                                    Roll No

Saikat Chakraborty                            1100053

Chandan Sen                                      0700630

Anirban DAS                                       0202947

Saradindu Chakraborty                     0107026

Avishek Mukhopadhyay                    0202641

Aqdas Omar                                        0104404

Tanumoy Chatterjee                           0602629   

Ankit Jain                                       107933                                              

We extend greetings & wish them further success 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Give your preparations a good way and Boost up your aim with online study of General studies and English. Defenietly, It will provide a wings to your preparation.

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