Friday, December 9, 2016

Analysis & HITS - POL SC & IR Mains 2016

Hi friends, we are trying to find out in what way our Advanced Test Series Qs simulated the actual questions asked on 'ground zero' by UPSC 

UPSC Mains 2016 Optional was held on 09 DEC 2016

Paper 1: Q 1a - Hobbes' State of Nature

Trademark's Political Science Paper I [Part A], 2015 : 
1.       Right to Rebellion as envisaged by Thomas Hobbes
2.       State of Nature as perceived by John Locke

Paper 1: Q1b - Post Behavioural Approach

Trademark's Political Science Simulated Paper I, 2015: 
Q3B. How does Post-behaviouralism seek to raise the status of the discipline of political Science? 

Paper 1: Q1c - Affirmative Action 
Paper 1: Q1d - Ambedkar's State Socialsim

Trademark's Political Science Simulated Paper I, 2015:

1a.    Law and order are the medicine of the body politic and when the body politic gets sick, medicine must be administered” (B R Ambedkar)

Section B

Q5. Comment on the following in about 150 words each: (10 × 5 = 50)

           a.    Ambedkar’s Concept of Social Justice 

Paper 1: Q1e: Gramsci & Hegemony

Trademark's Political Science Paper I [Part A] [25 SEP 2016]

7.     Gramscian Theory of Hegemony 

Paper 1:  Q2b - Feminist theory of state

Trademark's Political Science Simulated Paper I [30 OCT 2016]

Q3A. Enumerate the views of feminist scholars

 with respect to the sex/gender distinction in 

feminist theory  [15]

Paper 1:  Q2c - John Rawl & democratic equality

Trademark's Political Science Simulated Paper I [30 OCT 2016]

Q2C. Explain John Rawls’ Liberal-Egalitarian 

principles of justice [25]

Paper 1:  Q3a - Aurobindo & Cultural Nationalism

Trademark's Political Science Paper I [Part A] [25 SEP 2016]
8.     Comparative analysis of Aurobindo’s and Gandhi’s thoughts

Paper 1:  Q3c - Human Rights 

Trademark's Political Science Paper I [Part A] [25 SEP 2016]
14.     Attempt to elucidate the Theoretical Foundation of Human Rights 

Paper 1: Q4a - Hannah Arendt & Ideology

Trademark's Political Science Paper I [Part A]: 2015

14. Did the life and times of Hannah Arendt influence her political philosophy?

Paper 1: Q5a - Radical Humanist approach to INM

Trademark's Political Science Paper I [Part B]

[02 OCT 2016]

2A. Bring out a comparative analysis of Marxist 

and Radical Humanist perspectives on India’s

 national movement

 Paper 1: Q5b - Culture, Region & politics

Trademark's Political Science Paper I [Part B][02 OCT 2016]

4C. Bring forth the contestation between regional 

aspirations and integrationist tendencies in India.  

  Paper 1: Q5c - Art 368 & basic Structure

Trademark's Political Science Simulated Paper I [30 OCT 2016]

Q6B. Highlight the impact of the amending procedure on the development of constitutionalism in India.

Paper 1: Q5e - Centre-State Power distribution

Trademark's Political Science Simulated Paper I [30 OCT 2016]

5d. Cooperative Federalism 

Paper 1: Q7b - Role of Governor

Trademark's Political Science Simulated Paper I, 2015

Q8C. “The role of Governors in the federal 

system has always been controversial.” Do you 

agree? Give reasons for your answer with 


Paper 1: Q8a - Grass Root Level Democracy

Trademark's  Political Science Paper I [Part B]

[02 OCT 2016]

3A. Has the grass-roots governance worked in 


Paper 1: Q8b - NHRC : role & objective

Trademark's  Political Science Paper I [Part B]: 18 OCT, 2015

3A. Has the National Human Rights Commission in

 India delivered?

Paper 1: Q8c - Constitution & Environment

Trademark's  Political Science Paper I [Part B]: 18 OCT, 2015

5C.  Write a note on the Environmentalist movements in 

post-independent India.

Well, we agree that the 2016 paper, like its 2015 

predecessor was NOT full of surprises,,,

Yet, some kudos could be bestowed on us !!!!!


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