Thursday, December 24, 2015

UPSC Mains 2015 - GS 3

Analysis & HITS

Pls find the qs of UPSC Mains GS III, followed by our comments, in serial order. 

Q1 The nature of economic growth in India in recent times is often described as a jobless growth. Do you agree with this view? Give arguments in favour of your answer.

Q2. Livestock rearing has a big potential for providing non- farm employment and income in rural areas. Discuss suggesting suitable measures to promote this sector in India

Interesting  !! 

But, our DIRECT HIT : GS III 08 NOV 2015

From equity and livelihood perspectives, livestock rearing must be at the centre stage of poverty alleviation programmes” Opine. 

Q3 In the view of the declining average size of land holdings in India which has made agriculture non – viable for a majority of farmers should contract farming and land leasing be promoted in agriculture? critically evaluate the pros and cons.

Again, innovative part is land leasing - but contract 

farming is an old topic by now


What are the generic advantages of Consolidation of Land Holdings? 

Q4  How can the Digital India program help farmers to improve farm productivity and income? What step has the government taken in this regard?


“Post-WTO, deploying IT as a strategic tool for the benefit of rural India has assumed importance.” Do you agree? 

Q5.  In what way could replacement of price subsidy with direct benefit Transfer (DBT) change the scenario of subsidies in India? Discuss.

Q6. What are the impediments in marketing and supply chain management in developing the food processing industry in India? Can e-commerce help in overcoming this bottleneck?


Most of Indian food processing units are small sized, i.e. have poor economies of scale. What are the problems this leads to? 

Q7 Craze for gold in India has led to surge in import of gold in recent years and put pressure on balance of payments and external value of rupee. In view of this, examine the merits of Gold Monetization scheme.


Write briefly on: i) Sovereign Gold Bonds issued by RBI

Q8.  “Success of make in India program depends on the success of Skill India programme and radical labour reforms.” Discuss with logical arguments.

Partial HIT : GS III 01 NOV 2015

“The government has the commendable aim of making more in India. This means improving the efficiency of producing in India, whether of agricultural commodities, mining, manufacturing, or services.” State ways and means of achieving this goal.   

Partial HIT: GS III FULL 30 NOV 2014

Indian Cabinet has approved changes in Labour laws. Discuss the changes mooted in the Factories Act in this regard.

Partial HIT: GS III Full Length 2013
India's panoply of regulations, including inflexible labour laws, discourages companies from expanding. As they grow, large Indian businesses prefer to substitute machines for unskilled labour.” Comment

Q9.  To what factors can be the recent dramatic fall in equipment cost and tariff of solar energy be attributed? What implications does the trend have for thermal power producers and related industry?

Challenging & non-conventional qs

Q10. There is a clear acknowledgement that Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are a tool of industrial development, manufacturing and exports. Recognising this potential, the whole instrumentality of SEZs require augmentation. Discuss the issue plaguing the success of SEZs with respect to taxation, governing laws and administration.

SEZ once again !!! 

Our Partial HIT: GS 26 OCT 2014

Of late, has the drive on Special Economic Zones in India taken a low?

Q11 What do you understand by “Standard Positioning System” and “Precision positioning system” in the GPS era? Discuss the advantage India perceives from its ambitious IRNSS programme employing just seven satellites.

Challenge once more !!

Q12 What are the areas of prohibitive labour that can be 
sustainably managed by robots? Discuss the initiatives that can propel the research in premier research institutes for substantive and gainful innovation.


Much of the research in robotics focuses not on specific industrial tasks, but on investigations into new types of robots, alternative ways to think about or design robots, and new ways to manufacture them but other investigations.” Examine  

Q13 Discuss the advantage and security implication of cloud hosting of servers vis-a-vis in house machine based hosting for government business.

Very interesting - somewhat not expected !!

Q14 India’s Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) which has a database containing formatted information on more than 2 million medicinal formulations is proving a powerful weapon in country’s fight against erroneous patents. Discuss the pro and cons of making the database available publicly available under open source licensing.

Very interesting & challenging !!

Q15 Discuss the Namami Gange and National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) programmes and causes of mixed results from the previous schemes. What quantum leaps can help preserve the river Ganga better than incremental inputs?


What are the various causes for the pollution of the Ganges? What has been the ‘clean-up campaign’ by the government?      

Q16. The frequency of earthquakes appears to have increased in the Indian subcontinent. However, India’s preparedness for mitigating their impact has significant gaps. Discuss various aspects  

Expected topic - that too after a series of earthquakes in India !!

Q17. Human right activists constantly highlight the fact that the Armed forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA) is a 

draconian act leading to cases of human right abuses by 

security forces. What sections of AFSPA are opposed by the

activists. Critically evaluate the requirement with 

reference to the view held by Apex Court.

Q18.   Religious indoctrination via social media has 

resulted in Indian youth joining the ISIS. What is ISIS and 

its mission? How can ISIS be dangerous to the internal 

security of our country.

Our Essay topic was : 

"Rise of the Islamic State is a phenomenon"

Q19. The persisting drives of the government for development of large industries in backward areas have resulted in isolating the tribal population and the farmers who face multiple displacements. With Malkangiri and Naxalbari foci, discuss the corrective strategies needed to win the Left Wing Extremism (LWE) doctrine affected citizens back into mainstream of social and economic growth

At last - LWE !!


A vicious circle starts. The deprived and the marginalised sections of the society, unable to survive in the present system, get alienated. The militant and extremist forces thrive in this environment. The rise of Left extremism is more due to these compulsions than on ideological grounds.” Critically discuss

Q20 Considering the threats cyberspace poses for the country, India needs a “Digital Armed Forces” to prevent crimes. Critically evaluate the National Cyber Security Policy, 2013 outlining the challenges perceived in its effective implementation

Hmm - cyber security policy !!

Our Partial HIT : GS 26 OCT 2014
“Cyber-defence doctrine has to be a collaborative initiative between the state, private sector and individual citizens.” Opine


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