Analysis & HITS
Q1a. Environmental Ethics is a new topic UPSC innovated. Relevant, no doubt
We could NOT frame any qs outthinking UPSC in this regard - however, we set a Case Study related to this in the GS Full 6 DEC paper
Q1b Nice set of qs - personal & professional ethics covered in classes and GS IV Full 6 DEC 2015
What, according to you, is Ethics? State
instances of ethical conduct in private and personal relationships.
Q2. Quoatation qs are back in business ! We set a couple of them in GS IV Full 6 DEC 2015
First explain and then contextualise
the following quotes in today’s scenario
is no God higher than Truth.” (Gandhi)
relates to material things through direct insight rather than reason.”
Q3a. Expected qs.
Almost DIRECT HIT: GS IV Full 6 DEC 2015
Do you think that laws, rules, and regulations can serve as guiding factors towards
ethical conduct for public servants? Is conscience a better source of ethical
Q3b. Partial HIT : GS IV Full 6 DEC 2015
What do you understand by
the following terms ? Point out their specific relevance in public service; (i)
Intellectual integrity (ii) Empathy (iii) Perseverance (iv) Spirit of service
(v) Commitment
Q4a. Inclusive Growth is always significant !
Q4b. RTI - policy paralysis : expected topics !
Our Direct HIT : 27 OCT 2013
Has RTI Act limited the frank opinion of the bureaucrat?
Q5 Nice qs - but expected & qs tilted towards Public Administration
Q6 Corruption again !!! Quite expected
Q7 At last - Ethics in International Relations !!!!!!!!!!
Hurrah - Our DIRECT HIT : GS 15 NOV 2015
What is more important in International Relations –
national interest or morality? Discuss
Are there any ethical issues involved in foreign
policy decision making? Cite illustrations involving Indian foreign policy.
Q8 Good Qs - conflict of interest !
Case Studies :
Must admit that the case studies demanded analytical reasoning and were lengthy !
Guys would have struggled to finish off the paper !
We could not hit any case study as such but we stressed on detailed cases along similar lines !