Sunday, April 19, 2015

Interview with UPSC Qualfiier : Subham Sundar Ghosh

S S Ghosh

In his trademark style of speaking in a succinct manner and writing in a crispy mode, yet remaining incisive and fundamental, Mr Ghosh unveils it all, in this exclusive with Trademark IAS. 

1. When did you start contemplating for Civil Services?

Around 2010 when I was thinking of changing from IT industry.

2. Why do you want to become a Civil Servant when so many career options are available?

I think authority is wielded by only two sections in India - politicians and bureaucrats. And if you want some authority and you do not have any political lineage, this is the only path left for you!

3. How long have you seriously prepared for the UPSC Civils?

Though this was my 4th attempt, the first two attempts were light-hearted to say the least. So, for around 2.5 years.

4. What were your Optionals & Why?

Initially I had History & Pub Admin. Then, I had only History.

I took up History as that intrigued me. However, I also had in the back of my mind that History would be helping me in GS papers.

5. Do you think educational background plays any role in the success in this Exam?

Though I think with the introduction of CSAT, students from science background get an upper-hand in prelims, students from humanities get some advantage in mains (especially in essay & Ethics paper). 

To sum it up, I think the exam in its entirety evens out.

6. Since you were in the demanding IT sector, can you elaborate your study routine? This would help other aspirants who are working professionals.

As I was working in 2nd shift (2-11 PM), I had to study late at night. Though people have gone on to become IPS while working in IT sector, I feel working in public sector offers you a better prospect for this exam.

7. What needs to be the style of writing answers in the MAINS exam? 

Writing with bullet points, or at least with distinct paragraphs helps a lot. Introduction & conclusion should be very short and to the point. 

Most importantly, one should not write anything out of context just to show that he/she knows that.

Though it's difficult to follow these oft-repeated things, but if followed properly, answers could be easily completed within the stipulated space.

8. Did you practice writing answers? Did it help?

I did. Practice is a must for everyone. Style of writing, way of writing etc could only be improved by practice.

9. What should be the approach towards Prelims in the age of –ve marking?

First, attempt all the questions which you are sure about. 

Then you ought to take some chances in which you are not sure out of two answers, which would be correct.

However, I feel CSAT is really the deciding paper now.

10. What is your opinion regarding the change in the MAINS Syllabus?

Though reducing optionals is always welcome, but some papers like Ethics and several questions in other three GS papers are pretty vague. 

However, on the whole, I think this change is a step in the right direction.

11. Was going through this journey a lone fight or did you find people around you?

Several. Family, friends & teacher in coaching.

12. Can you pls elaborate your marks in Prelims, MAINS & Intvw 2013?

Prelims - 254/400

[GS I = 88.66 & CSAT/GS II = 165.83]

Mains - 586/1750

[Essay = 096, GS I =050, GS II =060, GS III = 075, GS IV = 103, HIST I = 086, HIST II =116]

Personality Test = 184/275 (Vinay Mittal panel)

  Thank You, Mr Ghosh for sharing your experiences with the aspirants. We wish you an enjoyable career as a Civil Servant.



Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Which are the best ias coaching centers and i want to join top ias academy in chennai for study preparation.